The Effect of Rhythm Pattern and Tempo of Accompaniment Music on Dance Improvization 인문 · 사회과학편 : 음악(音樂)의 리듬이 무용(舞踊)의 즉흥적(卽興的) 표현(表現)에 미치는 영향(影響)에 관한 연구(硏究)
25(1) 3-7, 1986
The Effect of Rhythm Pattern and Tempo of Accompaniment Music on Dance Improvization 인문 · 사회과학편 : 음악(音樂)의 리듬이 무용(舞踊)의 즉흥적(卽興的) 표현(表現)에 미치는 영향(影響)에 관한 연구(硏究)
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Open of School Ground and its Use by Outsiders 인문 · 사회과학편 : 학교운동장개방(學校運動場開放)과 이용실태(利用實態)에 관(關)한 조사(調査) 연구(硏究)
25(1) 9-20, 1986
Open of School Ground and its Use by Outsiders 인문 · 사회과학편 : 학교운동장개방(學校運動場開放)과 이용실태(利用實態)에 관(關)한 조사(調査) 연구(硏究)
This study is to review how well school grounds are being openned for and used by general public, and further to present ways that shall help improve this healthy practice of our community.
For this study, 154 schools have been surveyed random sampled among those in 5 major cities in the country including Seoul, Pusan, Taegu, Incheon and Kwangju ; and 354 citizens living in the neiborhood communities have been polled through means of questionnaire.
The results are analised and summarized to produce following conclusions.
1. Openning of School Ground.
a. Most schools are taking open school ground policy, but carrying it out only very reluctantly, because of various reasons such as fear of damage on the school facilities and athletic gears and set-ups, students` sport exercise and other outdoor activities, laborous ground polishing tarter use, presence of the undesired person, etc.
b. 83.9% of the schools surveyed have neglected to put on or taken away the notice board that welcome outsiders to come and use the grounds.
c. 80.6% of the school were willing to open the ground, but failed to give detail guide instructions that must be followed by the users. Because of short of these, not a few people may make troubles by mistake.
d. Only 48.4% are maintaining school ground diary, but others, either no record whatever or neglect to keep posting even if they have.
e. Only 10.3% set up and operate a kind of coordinating system for good use of school ground, but rest of them, either no system at all or just in name.
2. Use of School Ground.
a. Fact that school ground are available to general public is not to as far as 46.9% of the residents in the neiborhood community.
b. Among the people who tried to use school ground, but failed to do so are 41.6% as rejected by school gate security, 12.4% sneaked in but called out, and 26.7% as ground already occupied by students.
c. Among those who enjoy to use school ground consider it desirable if sport gears of school property be available for them one way or other.
d. These people mentioned in the preceding pare use school ground 1 to 2 times a week and 30 to 60 minutes at one time in average.
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A Study on the Relationsatip between social stratifycation and the tatterns of sport participation 인문 · 사회과학편 : 사회계층(社會階層)과 스포츠참여유형(參與類型)에 관한 조사(調査) 연구(硏究)
25(1) 21-32, 1986
A Study on the Relationsatip between social stratifycation and the tatterns of sport participation 인문 · 사회과학편 : 사회계층(社會階層)과 스포츠참여유형(參與類型)에 관한 조사(調査) 연구(硏究)
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A Study on the Special Quality of Physical Fitness of the Different Sport Entries 자연과학편 : 운동경기종목별(運動競技種目別) 체력특성(體力特性)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
25(1) 33-47, 1986
A Study on the Special Quality of Physical Fitness of the Different Sport Entries 자연과학편 : 운동경기종목별(運動競技種目別) 체력특성(體力特性)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
In order to producing the data of selecting, coaching and upbringing in each sport entries for rookie athletes, I examined structure examination and function test for 230 the Korean athletes and got the conclusion below.
1. The maximum value is revealled to be 180.6 sec and 6.9 sec in 1,000m Running and 50m Running for Male and 75.5㎝, 103.3 ㎏, 30.8 times, 108.6 times, 209.4 ㎝, 7.6 sec and 165.1 sec in length of leg, Back strength, 30 sec sit-ups, 3 minutes sit-ups, standing broad jump, 50m Running and 800m Running for Female in Field and Track events.
2. The Age of 18.6 years (Male) and 15.8 years (Female), Trunk Flextion of 23.6㎝ (Male) and 25.3㎝ (Female), Rolling of 9.8 sec (Male) and 11.4 sec (Female), 3 minutes sit-ups of 129 times (Male) and chining of 28.3 sec (Female) for Gyminastics player are the most.
3. The maximum vlaue is revealled to be 91.2 ㎝, 73.1 ㎝, 21.3mm, 55.87 indices, 36.5 ㎏ and 61.3 ㎝ in grith of chest, Lenght of arm, Skinfold thickness, chest grith ratio, Grip strength and trunk extension for Female only in Archery events.
4. The closed eyes foot balance of 90 sec (Male) and 139.2 sec (Female) for schooting player are the most.
5. The maximum value is revealled to be 97.1㎝ and 57.8㎝ in sitting height and trunk extension for Male and 55.59 indices and 19 ㎏ in sitting height ration and arm strength for Female in Cycing events.
6. The side step test of 46.8 times (Male) and 50.2 times (Female), shuttle run of 9.9 sec(Male) and 10.9 sec(Female) and grith of thigh of 60.1 ㎝(Female) for Fencing player are the most.
7. The Harvard step test of 46.8 times (Male) and 50.2 times Female and 50m Running of 6.9 sec (Male) for Tennis player are the most.
8. The maximum value is revealled to be 180.4㎝, 79.9㎝, 83.6㎝, 33.8 times, 9.9sec, 57.8㎝ and 6.9 sec in standing height, Lengh of arm, Lengh of leg, 30 sec sit-ups, shuttle run, Trunk extension and 50m Run for Male and 165.3 ㎝, 63.2 ㎏, 90.2㎝, 37.3 ㎝, 38.19 indices and 40.8㎝ in standing height, Body weight, sitting height, Grith of calf, Body weight ratio and sargent Jump for Female in Hand Ball events.
9. The Body weight of 86.1 ㎏, Grith of chest of 10.51 ㎝, skinfold thickness of 11.5 mm, Grith of calf of 41.6 ㎝, grith of thigh of 62 ㎝, body weight ratio of 49.25 indices and chest grith ratio of 60.56 indices for the Ju do player are the most.
10. The pull-ups of 22.3 times for wrestling player are the most.
11. The 1,000 Run of 187.4 sec and Harvard step test of 46.1 times for Boxing player are superior.
12. The sitting height ratio 55.56 indices, Grip strength of 55.8 ㎏, Back strength of 189.9 ㎏, Arm strength of 34.4 ㎏, sargent jump of 66.6 ㎝ and standing broad jump of 262.9 ㎝ for weight-lifting player are the most.
(Table-6) the inportant factor for physical Fitness in each sport entry is the suggestion resulted from the above conclusion.
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A Study to Improve the 400m Relay Record -Regarding Utilization of baton Zone- 자연과학편 : 400미터 계주(繼走) 기록향상(記錄向上)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - Baton Zone 이용(利用)을 중심(中心)으로 -
25(1) 49-55, 1986
A Study to Improve the 400m Relay Record -Regarding Utilization of baton Zone- 자연과학편 : 400미터 계주(繼走) 기록향상(記錄向上)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - Baton Zone 이용(利用)을 중심(中心)으로 -
There could be a great benefit if the rule of its establishment and tool as the technical method for improving the 400m relay record is used thoroughly.
By using the right-left-right-left separate course baton touch method, if the runner third runner and fourth runner runs alone the inside of team course after running 15m from the start, he can lessen at least 48.98cm In the first course, and he can do also 55.56cm from the second course to the eighth course.
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Survey of Hepatitis B Antigen and Antibody for a Sportsman at Middle and High School Students in Dae Jeon City 자연과학편 : 대전시(大田市) 중(中)·고등학교(高等學校) 운동선수(運動選手)들의 간염(肝炎) B Virus에 대(對)한 항원(抗原) 및 항체(抗體) 조사(調査)
이병주ByungJuLee , 백원홍WeonHongBaeg
25(1) 57-64, 1986
Survey of Hepatitis B Antigen and Antibody for a Sportsman at Middle and High School Students in Dae Jeon City 자연과학편 : 대전시(大田市) 중(中)·고등학교(高等學校) 운동선수(運動選手)들의 간염(肝炎) B Virus에 대(對)한 항원(抗原) 및 항체(抗體) 조사(調査)
이병주ByungJuLee , 백원홍WeonHongBaeg
Distribution of Hepatitis B antigen (HBs Ag) and its antibody (anti-HBs) for a sportsman at middle and high school students in Dae Jeon city was investigated by employing Reversed Passive Hemagglutination (RPHA) test of 211 serum specimens collected during the period in only one week from 6th day August to its 12th day 1985.
The results obtained are summarized as follows.
1. The occurrence rate of HBs Ag in each for a sportsman at middle and high school students was investigated. It was higher in high school students (4.0%) than that in middle school students (2.7%). HBs Ag was detected in 7 cases among 211 serum specimens with the positive rate of 3.3%.
2. The positive rate of HBs Ag by sex was in male (1.8%) and in female (4.9%). It was higher over two-times in female than that in male.
3. The Department distribution of HBs Ag showed the positive rate in water game highest 10.3%, private game 2.4%, ball game 2.1%, respectively.
4. The prevalence rate of anti-HBs was in middle school students (14.3%) and high school students (20.2%). It was gradually increased toward high school groups of age and its was prevapent in of middle school groups of age.
5. The prevalent rate of anti-HBs by sex was in male (12.8%) and in female (21.6%). It was higher in female than that in male.
6. The prevalence rate of anti-HBs by department showed in ball game (17.7%), water game (17.2%) and private game (14.6%). The highest positive rate was found in ball game and the lowest was in private game. But there appears not any significant differences between them.
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The Biomechanics Analysis of Backward Double Swan Somersault Movements on the Horizontal Bar 자연과학편 : 철봉에서 몸펴 겹뒤 공중 돌아 내리기 동작(動作)의 역학적(力學的) 분석(分析)
25(1) 65-73, 1986
The Biomechanics Analysis of Backward Double Swan Somersault Movements on the Horizontal Bar 자연과학편 : 철봉에서 몸펴 겹뒤 공중 돌아 내리기 동작(動作)의 역학적(力學的) 분석(分析)
The purpose of this study is to find out the data for the perfect performance, analyzing the time of hands off the horizontal bar, vertical velocity, angle, the time for air-fly, and the height and horizontal distance of the turning focus, through the Film-analysis of Backward Double Swan Somersault Movements.
Following conclusion were made by photographing and analyzing the Backward Double Swan Somersault movements with a 8㎜ movie camera (50 Frame/sec):
1. In crossing the posts, the kip force must be very strong and the angle of the shoulders must not be put forward. Keep the hands off the bar at the angle of about 98 degrees.
2. The first turning is made at the Phase 2. The perfect movements are achieved with the neck back ward, with the Knee point pulled at the chest, with the chest on the radiate (hips), and with the body rising upward.
3. In touching the ground, if (he radiate is forward off the knees, the body is apt fall down forward, if it is backward the body has a tendency to fall down backward. And therefore the safest movement, and the perfect touch-down is made, when the center of the body is near to that of the Knee.
4. Concidering the movement for preventing central fugal force, as the velocity of the first turning is fast, and potential energy is on the high rise, if acceleration is gained trio late, the movement of touch-down is uncertain. At the phase 3, in the middle of the second turning, the velocity must be reduced and the perfect touch-down must be made.
5. It can be realized that angle, height from the parallel, horizontal distance, resultant relocity, and force have an absolute influence on Backward Double Swan Somersault movements.
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Effect of Canoe player Diet on the improving Physical Fitness 자연과학편 : 카누선수(選手)의 식이(食餌)가 체력변화(體力變化)에 미치는 영향(影響)
25(1) 75-91, 1986
Effect of Canoe player Diet on the improving Physical Fitness 자연과학편 : 카누선수(選手)의 식이(食餌)가 체력변화(體力變化)에 미치는 영향(影響)
This study attempt to diet as F.A.O standard from 1985. 9. 1. to 9.30 for twenty days devices in 3 groups (Not control, Control, Experimental group)
The Point obtained ale as follows.
1. Meal of player was take as carbohydrate 78% or fat 7.8% and Protein 13% in ordinary.
2. Supply nutrients of regular diet in Control group was taken energy 2,565±114 Kcal carbohydrate 384.8±17.1 g fat 71.3±3.1g, Protein 96.2±4.38g as carbohydrate 60% fat 25% Protein 15% in F.A.O.
3. Supply nutrients of special diet in Experimental group is energy 4,114±286 Kcal, Carbohydrate 576.75±82.75g, fat 106.70±0.20g, Protein 144.13±18.31g as dietdivision in training term.
4. Food composition of menu of meal in ordinary Not control group & Experimental group was kinds of fifty five and sixty eight.
5. Attitude of regular diet in Control group and Experimental group was excellent as marks of tastes was from 16.40±0.25 to 15.15±1.00 at full marks in 17 marks.
6. The effect of Sports anemia was good better experimental group than comparison group.
7. Physical fitness of each group was changed excellent in muscle strength or lung endurance and muscle endurance and little better in flexibility or power.
Abdominal muscle strength changed little physical fitness in Not control group 10 ㎏, Control group 13 ㎏, Experimental group 32㎏.
Flexibility in Not control group 3 ㎝, Control group 6 ㎝, Exprimental group 5 ㎝ little changed physical fitness.
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A Training Effect of Muscle Power at Various Loads 자연과학편 : 부하(負荷)에 따른 근(筋)Power 훈련효과(訓練效果)
박진JinPark , 임용규YongKyuLim
25(1) 93-107, 1986
A Training Effect of Muscle Power at Various Loads 자연과학편 : 부하(負荷)에 따른 근(筋)Power 훈련효과(訓練效果)
박진JinPark , 임용규YongKyuLim
The purpose of this study is to Investigate the proper load levels to produce maximum muscle power. Subjects (23 students randomly selected) have undertaken the proscribed weight training programs (1/2, 1/3 and 1/5 loads of Maximum Isometric Strength) composed of 6 movements for 8 weeks (3 days/week, 3 sets/day, 10 Repetitions/set) and then were tested for their muscle power with each different load level before and after trainings.
The results are as follows:
1. After training, muscle power in each group increased by 38.0% in 1/2 group, 37.9% in 1/3 group and 38.3% in 1/5 group.
2. Mean of difference in muscle power between groups before training.
Muscle power of 1/2 group is DM 0.029 Hp (P<0.001) higher than that of 1/5 group.
Muscle power of 1/3 group is DM 0.0221 Hp (P<0.001) higher than that of 1/5 group.
There is no significant difference between the muscle powers of 1/2 and 1/3 groups.
3. Mean of difference in muscle power between groups after training.
Mucle power of 1/2 groups is DM 0.0395 Hp (P<0.001) higher than that of 1/5 group.
Muscle power of 1/3 group is DM 0.0307 Hp (P<0.001) higher than that of 1/5 group.
There is no significant difference between the muscle powers of 1/2 and 1/3 groups.
4. Muscle power of all groups increased by about 40% after the training for 8 weeks.
Muscle powers of 1/2 and 1/3 groups are higher than that of 1/5 group before and after the trainings.
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A Comparative Study of the Reaction Time Between Male and Female Dancers 자연과학편 : 남성무용수(男性舞踊手)와 여성무용수(女性舞踊手)와의 반응시간(反應時間) 비교연구(比較硏究)
25(1) 109-122, 1986
A Comparative Study of the Reaction Time Between Male and Female Dancers 자연과학편 : 남성무용수(男性舞踊手)와 여성무용수(女性舞踊手)와의 반응시간(反應時間) 비교연구(比較硏究)
The reaction time is necessary net only for the sports activities but also for the rhythm training in dancing. It is an essential theme in dancing education.
In this study, the differences in the reaction time between male and female dancers and their aptitudes were examined, in order to utilize them as the basic data for dancing education.
21 female dancing major students, 12 male dancing major students, and 15 sports major students were selected. The simple reaction time of the hands and the whole body provided with sound and light stimulants were measured and compared with the discrimination reaction time.
The results were as follows:
1. As for the simple reaction time test of the hands provided with a sound stimulant, the female modern dancers group showed the most rapid reaction. The male modern dancers group showed the third rapid reaction which was the top among male dancers groups. The female Korean dancers group and the male Korean dancers group showed the slowest reactions. In this test, female dancers group was excellent than the sport s group and male dancers group.
2. As for the simple reaction time test of the hands provided with a light stimulant, the male and female ballet dancers showed slower reaction than the sports group, but their reactions were more rapid than other dancers group. In this test, male dancers showed more rapid reactions than female dancers, but the difference was insignificant.
3. As for the discrimination reaction time test of the hands provided with a sound stimulant, the male Korean dancers group was most excellent, followed by the male modern dancers and the female modern dancers group. In this test, male dancers group skewed more rapid reactions than the sports group and female dancers group, but with an insignificant difference.
4. As for the discrimination reaction time test of the hands provided with a light stimulant, female dancers showed more rapid reaction than male dancers. The female ballet dancers were the most rapid and the male ballet dancers were the slowest.
5. As for the simple reaction time test of the whole body provided with a sound stimulant, the male Korean dancers showed the most rapid reaction, while the female Korean dancers were the slowest. In general, male dancers showed more rapid reaction than female dancers but with an insignificant difference.
6. As for the simple reaction time test of the whole body provided with a light stimulant, the male Korean dancers were the most rapid, while the female Korean dancers were the slowest. In this test, male dancers were more rapid than female dancers, with about a 5% level difference.
7. As for the discrimination reaction time test of the whole body provided with a light stimulant, the female ballet dancers were most excellent, and the male modern dancers were the slowest. In this test, male dancers were more excellent than female dancers, but with an insignificant difference.
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A Study on the Correlation Between Body - weight and Physical Fitness 자연과학편 : 체중(體重)과 신체적성간(身體適性間)의 상관관계(相關關係) 연구(硏究)
25(1) 123-129, 1986
A Study on the Correlation Between Body - weight and Physical Fitness 자연과학편 : 체중(體重)과 신체적성간(身體適性間)의 상관관계(相關關係) 연구(硏究)
The purpose of this study to investigated the correlation between physical fitness and body-weight of junior high school females.
For this purpose, the instruments used to measure the variables were 12 items about flexibility and physical fitness.
The sample consists of 540 female students.
For the statistical analysis of collected data, the females were then stratified by body-weight degree in 6 groups. Means and correlation coefficient were employed.
The main results this study was as follows;
1) In 40.0-43.9 group, physical fitness and flexbility showed the highest capacity among groups.
Also the 44.0-47.9 group showed good capacity relatively. Therefore low degree group more than high degree group showed the proper thor physical fitness and flexibillty.
2) The correlation between physical fitness and body-weight:
1. In 40.0-43.9 group, softball-throw showed r=-0.60 the highest negative correlation in all items.
2. In 44.0-47.9 group, 800m run showed r=0.48 the highest correlation in all items.
3. In 48.0-51.9 group, 800m run showed r=0.48 the highest correlation in all items.
4. In 52.0-55.9 group, standing long-jump showed r=0.59 the highest correlation in all items.
5. In 56.0 and over group, clininging showed r=-0.54 the highest negative correlation in all items.
3) The correlation between flexibility and body-weight;
1. In 40.0-43.9 group, trunk flexion in stand position showed r=0.54 the highest correlation in all items.
2. In 44.0-47.9 group, side flexibility of hip joint showed r=-0.36 the highest negative correlation in all items.
3. In 48.0-51.9 group, all items showed low correlation.
4. In 52.0-55.9 group, trunk extension showed r=0.77 the highest correlation in all items.
5. In 56.0 and over group, side flexibility of trunk showed r=0.77 the highest correlation in all items.
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Technique Analysis of Front Hand Spring in Long Horse Vault - With special reference on the outstanding players - 자연과학편 : 도마(跳馬) Front Hand Spring 의 역학적(力學的) 분석(分析) - 우수체조선수(優秀體操選手)를 중심(中心)으로 -
윤명철MyungChulYun , 선상규SangKyuSun
25(1) 131-139, 1986
Technique Analysis of Front Hand Spring in Long Horse Vault - With special reference on the outstanding players - 자연과학편 : 도마(跳馬) Front Hand Spring 의 역학적(力學的) 분석(分析) - 우수체조선수(優秀體操選手)를 중심(中心)으로 -
윤명철MyungChulYun , 선상규SangKyuSun
Projecting the take off to the landing in the Long Horse Vault, the result of technique analysis of body segments angle, remaining time in the air, height, range, board angle, horse and body is as follows.
1. Take off
The Back Ward angle of the body is KP 10°, and Vertical Velocity is 13.9m/sec., so it is much than LT, PH, ST. But, for the Back Ward angle of LT is 16°which is too much and Horizontal Velocity is 14.3m/sec., it is less than PH, SJ, KP.
2. Preflight
Because Vertical Velocity of KP is the largest at take-off, Preflight height of KP is 160cm and it is much than LT, PH, SJ.
3. Push-off
It is reasonable because KP of push angle is 44°(which is least) and between push off angle is larger.
4. After flight
Because KP is highest in After flight length and After flight height, it is appeared to be the most idealistic action.
5. Landing
The Landing postures of LT, PH, SJ, KP, all appeared to be unstable, so constant practice for efficient landing posture is needed.
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A Study on the Work Intensity of the Effects of National Exercise and Jump-rope 자연과학편 : 국민체조(國民體操)와 줄넘기운동(運動)의 운동강도(運動强度)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
25(1) 141-150, 1986
A Study on the Work Intensity of the Effects of National Exercise and Jump-rope 자연과학편 : 국민체조(國民體操)와 줄넘기운동(運動)의 운동강도(運動强度)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
My conclusion is based on the observation of heart rate and maximum heart rate of four physical education major students at the age of about 23, who have performed nation exercise and jump-rope for four minutes and thirty-seven seconds. The intensity of the national exercise for the time period shows 112.7 ± 74 and the ratio of the heart rate to the maximum heart is 58 per cent, while the intensity of the jump-rope shows 152 ± 14.68 and the ratio of the heart rate to the maximum heart rate is 80.7 per cent. Therefore the significance is p<0.001, which Indicates a great difference between the national exercise and the jump-rope.
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A study on the relation between menstration and the physical education class of middle school girls'. 자연과학편 : 생리현상(生理現狀)과 체육수업(體育授業)과의 상관성(相關性) 연구(硏究)
25(1) 151-159, 1986
A study on the relation between menstration and the physical education class of middle school girls'. 자연과학편 : 생리현상(生理現狀)과 체육수업(體育授業)과의 상관성(相關性) 연구(硏究)
The fellowing is the conclusion of this study thesis.
1. Looking at the rate of middle school girls’ was leave experienced menstrations, the first school year is 47.1%, the second 92.7%, and the third 97.2%.
2. Most of the first menstrations appear to about 14 or 15 year-old-girths in the second year of middle school.
3. The symptoms during the menstrual period show lumbago or nervousness. And about two thirds of those who are menstrating are interested in menstrations.
4. A lot of girls have ever experienced irregular menstrations for abour 4 or 5 days.
5. Most of then have the wrong recognezation about menstration. and they say their conditions of psychology during the menstrual period feelsick, harmful, fearful, uncomfortable, so so, etc.
6. They had physical training class without any conditions during the menstual period and they hope to look it on.
7. They think that a body is injured by activities during the menstrual period and then they feel sic or not. This is the contrast opinion each other and it has both faces.
8. 36.3 percent girls of those who have ever menstrated have ever sufferred a loss of physical education class. And it is called a lot of loss, so it is keenly acguire to decrease the loss of physical education class.
Key Words
A Study on Physique, Somatotype, Body Composition, and Maximum Oxygen Uptake Ability of Adultmen 자연과학편 : 성인남자(成人男子)의 체격(體格), 체형(體型) 및 신체구성(身體構成)과 최대산소섭취능력(最大酸素攝取能力)에 관한 연구(硏究)
이철환ChulWhanLee , 최배근BaiGeinChoi
25(1) 161-174, 1986
A Study on Physique, Somatotype, Body Composition, and Maximum Oxygen Uptake Ability of Adultmen 자연과학편 : 성인남자(成人男子)의 체격(體格), 체형(體型) 및 신체구성(身體構成)과 최대산소섭취능력(最大酸素攝取能力)에 관한 연구(硏究)
이철환ChulWhanLee , 최배근BaiGeinChoi
This study applied to 8 male freshmen members who attend Graduate School of Dong-A University doctorate course of physical education.
The major objectives of this study were to find out general motor capacity and physical fitness level of adultmen obtaining from the measurement, analysis and their correlations of physical characteristics, somatotype, body composition and maximum oxygen uptake ability.
The result s are as followings;
1. Physical characteristics Body height of the group was lather short, body weight was rather heavy.
2. Body composition
(1) % fat was 20.6 ± 3.9%, heigher than athletes and youngmen.
(2) % lean body mass was 79.4 ± 5.76%.
(3) Under water weight was lower than athletes and youngman, residual lung volume and body volume was heigher.
3. Somatotype
Mean somatotype (S) was 4.81 - 5.00 - 1.75, mesomorph-endomorph.
4. VO₂max
(1) VO₂max (VO₂max/wt) was 3.6 ± 0.52 ℓ/min (53.5 ± 6.45 ㎖/㎏/min).
(2) Heart rate max was 191 ± 10.07 beats/min.
5. Correlation
(1) There were positive correlations between body height and sitting height, between body weight and chest girth.
(2) There were positive correlations between endomorphy and body weight, Vervaeck Index, body volume, % fat, heart rate max. O₂ pulse max, respiratory rate max, etc.
(3) There were positive correlations between mesomorphy and body weight, Rohrer Index, Vervaeck Index, body volume, VO₂ max, O₂ removal max, VE max (BTPS), PWC 170, etc.
(4) There were positive correlations between ectomorphy and body height, sitting height, lean body mass, body volume, etc, but there weren`t between ectomorphy and respiro-circulatory function.
Key Words
A Study on the Metabolic Intersection Speed in Walking and Running 자연과학편 : 심박수(心拍數)에 의한 보행(步行)과 주행(走行)의 경계속도(境界速度)에 관한 연구(硏究)
25(1) 175-181, 1986
A Study on the Metabolic Intersection Speed in Walking and Running 자연과학편 : 심박수(心拍數)에 의한 보행(步行)과 주행(走行)의 경계속도(境界速度)에 관한 연구(硏究)
This study was begun for obtaining the condition of velocity and intensity in walking and running through the acquisition of such values as heart rate and M.I.S.(metabolic intersection speed).
Method :
All eighteen (male: 9, Female: 9) collegians, whose aloes averaged 19.1 (male) and 18.7 (female), were Chosen for the experimental research. Velocity was given to them as follows: 50∼140 m/min (male) and 50∼130 m/min (female) in walking; 96∼160 m/min for both sexes in running.
After moderate time of adaptation to the treadmill machine, two to three kinds of daily exercise were tasked to them, each exercise constituting 3 minutes with strong 10 minute of break. Then, regression equation was attained through the least squares method between heart rate and speed. by which such values as MIS and work intensity were obtained.
1. The change of heart rate showed a parabolic increase during walking exercise and a linear increase during running event.
2. As to relative work intensity and M.I.S. in both walking and running, the farmer was 40.1 ± 3.97% H.R max (male) and 52.1 ± 6.02% H.R max (female), while the latter was 126.0 ± 5.61 m/min (male) and 119.9 ± 5.68 m/min (female).
3. The relationship between lower limb length and MIS showed r=0.801 (P<0.001 ; male), r=0.793 (P<0.001 ; female).